
Hi there, I’m April… 

And if you’re a CEO or CMO who also has to be a copy chief, the leader of your copywriting team, and the person who develops ideas for your overall campaign and individual emails —  then yeah. That’s a lot.

And while most company leaders are doing it out of necessity — and wish they could spend more time and brainpower on other things — this is the sort of work I live for. Work that includes:

  • Consulting on the big idea of the campaign and developing ideas for individual pieces of copy that are in alignment with that big idea…
  • Chiefing the copy with specific feedback that levels up your team’s skills in the long term, while immediately boosting engagement and conversions…
  • Strategies for smoother copy team processes, so that you go from “I need this email” to final copy in less time … and with a knockout final result…
  • Steering the copy in the right direction, including what the overall message should be, protecting the “voice” of the company, what the audience is expecting, and long term nurturing and engagement…
  • Assessing writers and helping you hire new writers, whether you’re looking for a junior writer, a senior writer, or somewhere in between…

If you’d like to chat about your needs, the best way is to reach me on LinkedIn. My schedule is currently full for ongoing retainer arrangements, however, I do have availability sometimes for short-term consulting.