First 7 Days Formula


As you probably know, cracking cold traffic is one of the hardest things to do in marketing.

So once you’ve invested the time and money to bring in cold traffic, it only makes sense that you want to convert more of those new leads into customers.

That’s what the First 7 Days Formula can do.

The First 7 Days Formula makes your new subscribers feel like they know, like, and trust you … AND that you give them something valuable … all in the first week.

The key is to subtly layer specific copy and persuasion techniques in each email, so that by the end of the week, the subscriber is primed to buy.

And after the first week?

Well, The First 7 Days Formula is a prescription to quickly build the relationship, however the elements that make up this formula — know, like, trust, and value—are elements you should incorporate in all of your future messages to your subscribers and customers.

If you’d like to learn more, you can download a free copy of The First 7 Days checklist.

Download a copy of the checklist

If you’d like to talk about me writing your First 7 Days Formula sequence for you, click the button below to contact me.

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