From $50/hr copywriter to $70,554+ in royalties from 1 sales letter…

Right now, membership is open for Control Freaks, my copy coaching program for copywriters who want to up their game … and even want to beat controls and earn royalties. […]

Right now, membership is open for Control Freaks, my copy coaching program for copywriters who want to up their game … and even want to beat controls and earn royalties. (Go here for details.)

Control Freaks was an idea that came to me at a copywriter event. One I attended along with my mentor, Parris Lampropoulos.

At the event, I watched the same thing happen over and over:

People would approach one of us, asking all the same questions…

  • How can I be a cub? (You can’t, he’s not taking new cubs.)
  • When does the program open again? (No idea. He goes 4-7 years in between groups, and the program itself is 4 years long.)
  • Is it true that Parris makes his cubs cry? (Only when he reviews our copy. Or when we screw up. Or on Fridays.)

And the other BIG question: How can I earn royalties?

The truth is that there’s no easy or satisfying answer to any of those questions. So I’d watch the eager writer go on their way, knowing how much the odds were stacked against them ever reaching the level of royalty copywriter.

And not so very long ago, I was on that same path. I was on my own, making $50/hour for writing emails. And I don’t mean that my hourly rate worked out to $50/hour. I mean I would set a timer when I started writing, and multiply the time I spent by $50.

If you’ve been writing copy or running a freelance business for very long, you know that’s one of the 9 circles of freelancer hell.

Jump forward to today, and I have a control in the mail right now that’s generated $70,554 in royalties. That’s from one sales letter. And the checks keep coming in, so I have to keep updating the Control Freaks product page. 😉

In the process of going from hourly wage writer to royalty copywriter, I found out exactly what it takes to make that jump — and make it relatively quickly.

The only problem? You have to do the right things at a certain level, with a certain amount of consistency and focus. And that was almost impossible for most copywriters to do on their own.

The only two options were to:

  1. Become a copy cub (an extremely rare opportunity, and you may not be selected)
  2. Get a job with a major publishing house, if you can, which usually means moving across the country to their HQ

For the vast majority, neither is an option.

Then I had a thought: What if there was a third option?

A way to give you the same focus that it takes to level up your copywriting skills. A way to give you the dedicated time for a deep analysis of winning controls. And to give you the consistent, high-level feedback on your copy that will make you a well-paid copywriter.

And I mapped it out, right then and there. What I created is Control Freaks, a coaching program designed specifically for copywriters who want to up their game … and even want to beat controls and earn royalties.

Check out the details here.

This is by application only, and I’ve already turned away writers who weren’t quite ready for this program yet. (When that’s the case, I’ll direct you to other resources.)

One more thing to know: Right now there’s a special offer for founding members. So it’s a great time to get in.

That’s it for today. If you have any questions, ask away. I read every email.
