A Jill of All Trades, Master of One

Some of the best copywriters in the world are a little bit all over the place. They get really excited about a lot of things … maybe too many things. […]

Some of the best copywriters in the world are a little bit all over the place. They get really excited about a lot of things … maybe too many things. They’re Jills (and Jacks) of all trades.

I’m this way myself. And for most of my life, I thought it was a bad thing. I blame my friend Aaron for this.

I met Aaron when I was in first grade. 

At seven years old, he knew he wanted to be an architect. And me? Well, I thought it’d be cool to be a doctor. It sounded like an important job.

Then we hit fifth grade. Aaron still wanted to be an architect. And I wanted to be a lawyer. After all, I was great at arguing! And lawyers are successful, right?

Years passed, and we were in high school. Aaron was still going to be an architect. At this point, I wanted to be a forensic scientist for the FBI. I did serious research into this occupation, reading some pretty questionable books for a ninth grader. (Unless every 14-year-old is into books by John Douglas, a criminal profiler for the FBI?)

Then, we were off to college. Aaron the future architect, and April the…psychologist? Microbiologist? Journalist? I switched majors a few times. Feeling embarrassed about that, I took full course loads every summer so I would still graduate in four years.

Aaron went to grad school. I got a job in marketing. 

And then I had a quarter-life crisis. I hated my job. Hated it. 

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So plotted my escape, getting my real estate license. Only once I was in real estate, I realized I didn’t care at all about real estate. Not a good sign. 

So I got a job as an editor for a local non-profit. I needed a paycheck until I could figure out my next move. A paycheck that literally required me to account for every 15 minutes of my work day, via some POS software.

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I knew that I loved writing, but I didn’t want to be a starving writer. I knew I was ambitious, but I didn’t want to feel chained to a desk.

I’d often think about Aaron, too. I was so proud of my buddy and his accomplishments, and at the same time I wondered, “What’s wrong with me? Why don’t I have that kind of focus?”

Eventually, after three years of cubicle hell, I got serious about my exit strategy. I ramped up my freelance writing, and six months later, I was earning enough to replace my salary.

I started writing blog posts and other content for clients in the personal finance space, and things were going well. I wasn’t sure what was next, but at least I wasn’t working in a cube farm anymore.

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Then I came across something called direct response copywriting. Copywriting! It was like the clouds parted and angels sang. 

You mean to tell me I could write words that help people…

I could get nerdy about numbers…

I could help my clients get more sales…

I could argue a point all day long…

I could use all these random interests and experiences I’ve had…

…and get paid for this?

Where do I sign up?!

Unfortunately, there actually isn’t a copywriter sign-up sheet. 

Instead, I had to study and write a lot. I convinced some amazing clients to let me write their sales emails. And eventually I landed a mentorship with Parris Lampropoulos.

(The hard work was worth it, but I still sorta wish there was just a copywriter sign-up sheet.)

So today, I think of myself as a Jill of all trades, master of one. And I happily indulge my crazy interests, because it’s all fodder for future sales promotions.

And my friend Aaron? He became a lawyer.

Ha ha, just kidding. He’s an incredibly talented architect.
