
The #1 Type of Proof to Use in Your Copy

This is the story of the best sales pitch I’ve ever seen…Several years ago, I was in my local hippie pharmacy. (It’s a mix of conventional medicine, traditional medicine, the […]

This is the story of the best sales pitch I’ve ever seen…

Several years ago, I was in my local hippie pharmacy. (It’s a mix of conventional medicine, traditional medicine, the woo-woo stuff, and they sell ice cream, too. Basically, it’s good times.)

Anyway, I saw a display for an air purifier called Air Fantastic. I liked the idea of using an air purifier in my home, but the price tag gave me pause: $300. For this small, sort of funny-looking purifier that claimed it could “wash my air.”

As you can see, their product photography and graphics could use some work.
AirFantastic - Air Purifier - Glacier Peak Holistics

Just then, a hippie pharm employee came over to ask if I needed help. He explained that I could actually take one of these purifiers home, to try it out. No catch … literally just take it home with me.

Okay, that was interesting…

But there was more. They’d also supply me with two petri dishes. I could use one petri dish to test my air quality in my home. Then I’d seal it up and run the purifier for 24 hours. After that, I’d use the other petri dish to test my air quality again.

Obviously, I had to try this.

So I took the purifier and the petri dishes and skipped all the way home, excited about my science experiment.

And when I’d finished the experiment, he difference in the two petri dishes was incredible. 

After each had sat for 24 hours, the first one was full of disgusting black spots and fuzzy mold. Very similar to this:

The second one had one teeny, tiny little red speck, and was otherwise clean.

I took back the rental unit and bought the air purifier the very next day.

So let’s break down why this sales pitch worked so well…

First, it was perfectly targeted to the audience: nerdy types like me. I mean, you’re not in a pharmacy like that one unless you like research and reading up on health. So a science experiment? With petri dishes? Well, that takes me right back to AP Biology. (And in case it’s not clear yet, I loved AP Biology.)

Second, the salesperson took an indirect approach, so my defenses were lowered. Instead of saying, “Here are 25 reasons why you need to pay $300 for this product,” they said, “Why don’t you take it home and try it?” No hard sales pitch, no resistance from me.

Third, the air purifier company was using the strongest kind of proof there is: demonstration proof. Why is demonstration proof so powerful? Because it’s pretty much bulletproof. Think about it like this:

  • You can doubt what a company tells you about their product. (Maybe they’re lying.)
  • You can doubt a doctor or celebrity endorser. (They were definitely paid to say those things.)
  • You can doubt testimonials. (Maybe they’re fake.)
  • You can doubt what a study says. (Maybe it was a small study, or a flawed one, or it was on rats and not humans…)

But when you watch a demonstration, that’s hard to argue with. And when you conduct the demonstration yourself, that’s really hard to argue with!

So as a copywriter, if you want to write high-converting copy — and especially if you want to beat controls — start using demonstration proof in your copy wherever possible. 

Okay, so let’s talk about HOW to use demonstration proof in your copy…

One way is with before-and-after photos. For instance, a before and after for teeth whitening. 😬

funny before and after pics

Another way to add demonstration proof is with a free trial, where the prospect can get a result during the trial period. One example is the air purifier pitch I shared. Another example is giving prospects two weeks to try your productivity software. Then when they see how much more work they got done with the software, they’ll subscribe to the full program. 

Finally, if you’re writing a VSL (video sales letter), then there’s a lot of opportunity for demonstration proof. Show prospects how the product works, show befores and afters, bring in other people to show just how easy it is to use your product … you can really do a lot with video.

Just ask this guy:
In Honor of Ronco's Recent IPO, Check Out These 8 Facts About the Infomercial Pioneer
Godfather of the infomercial, Ron Popeil

Okay, that’s it for today. 

Oh, and if you’re a copywriter, check out the PS below. 🙂


PS. Do you want to start a swipe file that’s full of high-converting, vetted copy? Or would you like to expand your existing swipe file with some killer controls?

If so, make sure you’re in my Control Freaks Facebook group. I’m going to run a free 5-day challenge in the next month or so that will help you do just that.
